
Showing posts from January, 2022

Shame, Shamelessness and the price to be paid.

The Greek myth of the pandora's box begin thus, According to Hesiod, when Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus, the king of the gods, took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Prometheus' brother Epimetheus. Pandora opened a jar left in her care containing sickness, death and many other unspecified evils which were then released into the world. Though she hastened to close the container, only one thing was left behind, hope. If one could infer from this myth, surely the lock holding the box of Pandora together was surely shame,  for it was Prometheus loss of shame that allowed him to break the box, thus all forms of evil flowed and bedeviled mankind henceforth. Guy Burgess refers to "guilt mobilization" as the act of forcing people to recognize the contradictions between what they say and what they do. Martin Luther King and other nonviolent civil rights leaders mobilized the white's guilt, when they made clear the discrepancy between white American's deep-ro

The re-emergence of the Junta

  The re-emergence of the Junta  Habee b Lawal Military coup ravages Africa like many part of the 3rd world in the early 50s till the late 90s, Africa as a continent also suffers its fair share in several military coups within its continent, where selected mostly young and able military personnel took over government forcefully, either by killing the existing government or forcefully dethronement. This also involves them taking over key governmental institutions, communication site, declaring new decrees and compulsory suspension of the pre-existing constitutions so they can prove the dawn of military council as the highest law making body of the land. Emannuel Bodjolle lead the first coup that brought about the paradigm shift and trajectory towards a new phase of military intervention and toppling of civilian government across almost all African state, this military coup ousted Togolese President Sylvanus Olympio in 1963. Most African state as of then, were newly free off the shackles


NI MA DABBA NE  Ina jiyoshi cikin yanayi na “khushu’i” yana kuka ta amsa-kuwwar da ke jikin katon masallacinsa da akaiwa lakabi da “Masjidul Islah”. Yana ta karaji kamar ransa zai fita saboda al’umma ta lalace. Da alamun wa’azin ya shiga jikin daruruwan almajiran da suke zaune a gabansa wadanda mafi yawansu talakawa ne irinsa kafin ya hadu da yan siyasa. Kowa ya yi shiru a nutse kamar tsuntsu ne akansa, sai yar kabbarar da ke tashi nan da can idan wa’azin ya tsuma wani saurayin daga gefe - “Allahu Akbar!”  Ya fara da cewa dole ne idan ana son a gyara Najeriya to sai an rufe gidajen giya da na karuwai domin wadannan zunuban su ne suka janyo mana ci baya. Wannan maganar ba yau na fara jin ta ba. Shekara hudu haka da ta gabata kafin Mallam Yusufa ya tafi karatun digirinsa a birnin Texas shi ma haka ya dinga cewa a laccar “pre-khutba” din da yake yi duk Juma’a. Daga baya ne da ya zo hutu na ji yana fadawa abokinsa yadda kasar Amurika ta samu ci gaban da ya kayatar da shi, amma bai fada mas


 MUSULINCI DA FALSAFAR KYAU  Aliyu Dahiru Aliyu A Falsafa idan ana maganar kyau (aesthetics) ba ana magana akan iya kyan da zaka gani da ido bane. Ana magana akan duk wani abu da jinsa ko ganinsa zai sanya kaji dadi a ranka. Tare da cewa da larabci ana kiran ilimin kyau a falsafa (Aesthetics) da “ilmul Jamal” amma masana tarjama sun bayyana cewa mafi kyawun fassarar da ya dace a kira ilimin da shi shi ne “Dayyibat”.  Kalmar “Dayyibat” ta hade duk wani abu da idan ka gani ko kaji zai dadada maka rai. Ta hada da “jamal”, “husn”, “ziyna” da sauran kalmomi makamanta haka. Tun asali kalmar “aesthetics” tana da asali daga kalmar Greeks dake nufin “sensuous” wato abin ji ta hanyoyin ji (kamar ido, kunne, fata, harshe da hanci) da zai kai sako gun kwakwalwarka don ka samu wani yanayi a jikinka.   Wani abu da Allah ya bayar da misali a cikin kyawawan abubuwa (dayyibat) shi ne mace a lokacin da yake maganar yin aure (fankihu ma daba lakum minan nisa’i). Mace gaba dayanta kyakkyawa ce  kuma kayan

Munafunci a Arewa.

 Ban taba ganin al’ummar da kwarewarta a munafunci yake bani mamaki ba kamar ta Hausawa. Da Ibn Salul zai zo nan, da kansa zai gane shi karamin munafuki ne. A iya bincikena, al’ummar nan ne suka fi kowa tafiya nemo duk wani abu mai kama da batsa a shafukan Internet, amma a nan ne kowa zai nuna maka shi fa na Allah ne da ko mace ce ba mayafi sai ya fara tsine mata albarka.  Da dalilin da ya sa shafukan jaridu irin su BBC suke koya harkokin kwanciya da iyali. Ba wai da ka suke yi ba. Dubawa suka yi ta hanyar abin da ake kira “analytics” suka gano masu karatunsu suna son batsa, don haka suka kawo musu abin da suke so. Dazu nake ganin wani na cewa me yasa ko CNN basa irin wannan amma sai BBC Hausa? Amsar ita ce ita BBC ta san su waye masu karatunta don haka tana kawo musu abin da suka fi karantawa (clicks) ko dannawa “comment” da “likes”. Domin ba abin da aka fi so a al’ummar nan bayan musun addini don a boye aibuka sai harkar fim din Hausa da hirar batsa.  Duk shafin da ake “searching” da

Osinbajo and the Call of Destiny

Osinbajo and the Call of Destiny Deng Xiaoping was an unassuming man, a man of small physical stature, but with a mind that giants will envy. Prior to and post-Mao's demise, Deng was not initially part of Mao's likely successors, but succeed him he did after an interlude and his stewardship led to the greatest period of success in material human history. Human history is a history of patterns, empires rise and fall, alliances made and broken. Nigeria's political history is filled with 'patterns' or instances of 'outsiders' coming into the driving seat, from the unassuming Balewa in the first republic, to the reluctant Shagari in the second republic, to the quiet and introspective Yar'Adua in the fourth republic and lucky Goodluck. Nigeria's political history is a history of patterns, patterns that seem to favor the 'Underdogs'. Osinbajo became APC's Vice-presidential candidate under extraordinary circumstances, but Vice-president he becam