Osinbajo and the Call of Destiny

Osinbajo and the Call of Destiny

Deng Xiaoping was an unassuming man, a man of small physical stature, but with a mind that giants will envy. Prior to and post-Mao's demise, Deng was not initially part of Mao's likely successors, but succeed him he did after an interlude and his stewardship led to the greatest period of success in material human history.

Human history is a history of patterns, empires rise and fall, alliances made and broken.

Nigeria's political history is filled with 'patterns' or instances of 'outsiders' coming into the driving seat, from the unassuming Balewa in the first republic, to the reluctant Shagari in the second republic, to the quiet and introspective Yar'Adua in the fourth republic and lucky Goodluck. Nigeria's political history is a history of patterns, patterns that seem to favor the 'Underdogs'.

Osinbajo became APC's Vice-presidential candidate under extraordinary circumstances, but Vice-president he became nonetheless, his choice proved to be a masterstroke, his stewardship inspiring confidence, his loyalty unquestionable, his integrity intact, and his conscience at rest.

In the treacherous labyrinth of Nigerian politics, it is rare for a man immersed into the system and not come out with allegations of grand larceny ala Atiku Abubakar, or in Nigerian parlance, 'stain his white'. Osinbajo seems to be a rare breed.

Here's a man of deep spirituality, a vibrant intellect. He began lecturing at the age of twenty-three, a professor of law at thirty-seven.

A combination of a healthy body, a God-conscious soul, and a vibrant intellect. The absence of ethical baggage, and having no corrupt past to hinder him.

He is perfectly placed to complete the transition between the perennial 1966 generation, a bridge to a new Twenty-first century, IT-driven Nigeria. He has the love of his Yoruba base, goodwill of the South-South and East, and acceptance of the North. Unlike other contenders who are viewed with suspicion. 

Elephant in the room Tinubu’s candidacy. By standards of decency going back to the allegiance of 2015, Tinubu’s implied right.

However Tinubu must be Muslim-Muslim to practically win. Insensitive to the sensitivities of Nigeria’s Christians. 

Moreover Tinubu’s increasing ill-health is a huge albatross, Nigeria cannot afford a sick and absent president. Nigeria must come first.

Indeed, Osibanjo is a product of Tinubu. Osibanjo can be Tinubu’s legacy to the world.

Tinubu can emulate great statesmen like Nelson Mandela, such an act would raise him up to heights of greatness. 

Osibanjo has the capacity to rejuvenate, unify and heal Nigeria. He is more of a need than a question of choice.

The writer can be reached via;

Email: walinajeeb2@gmail.com


  1. Love the write-up. I believe only 1 of tinubu and osibanjo will contest the presidential race.

    Tinubu hasn't declared to contest but if what I heard about how Osibanjo became the Vp is true then I believe tinubu will present Prof Yemi and do every thing to make him the president come 2023.

    I personally will support him because I feel it will increase the chance of continuity in governance, something we desperately need at this point in time.

  2. Par all the qualities mentioned in this piece, PYO is the ideal candidate. However, Tinubu's ambition will remain a great hurdle for PYO.

    Knowing him as the loyal and value driven man that he is, it is unlikely that he will go against his boss.

    However, the Muslim-Muslim dilemma might be the masterstroke


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