Shame, Shamelessness and the price to be paid.
The Greek myth of the pandora's box begin thus, According to Hesiod, when Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus, the king of the gods, took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Prometheus' brother Epimetheus. Pandora opened a jar left in her care containing sickness, death and many other unspecified evils which were then released into the world. Though she hastened to close the container, only one thing was left behind, hope. If one could infer from this myth, surely the lock holding the box of Pandora together was surely shame, for it was Prometheus loss of shame that allowed him to break the box, thus all forms of evil flowed and bedeviled mankind henceforth. Guy Burgess refers to "guilt mobilization" as the act of forcing people to recognize the contradictions between what they say and what they do. Martin Luther King and other nonviolent civil rights leaders mobilized the white's guilt, when they made clear the discrepancy between white American's deep-ro...