Grow up; Man-Child

'Every successful story is a tale of adaption, revision and change'.
   - Richard Branson

The process of growth and evolution can be painful, but life is a journey of continuous growth or evolution, and whoever resists or refuses that impetus, like stagnant water becomes stagnant, and like stagnant water lose purity and clarity, accumulating filth and corruption. Just as the stagnant water becomes polluted and thus pollutes, so does the man who refuses to grow up, he becomes not only a dangerous to himself, but also to his community.

You refuse to change yet assume things will change, you have increased in size, but that's all their is to your 'growth', however within lies an adolescent.
You get married, or rather get married off, however being the perennial child you are, you fail to make the distinction between wife and mother, thus, projecting motherhood on your victim, and abdicating all expected leadership roles leaving her to pick up the slack, this immediately breeds resentment in her, but again, how could you lead anyone, when you cannot even lead yourself?

Man without purpose cannot grow, and responsibility is the foundation of growth. But, what is growth?
Growth is a journey towards the truth, and whoever is more receptive towards the truth and acts in fulfilment of known truth should be considered more grown.
This of course is a metaphysical understanding of growth, which if veiwed objectively is more encompassing.

You have never overcome an obstacle, nor have you ever been exposed to the pain from which springs forth growth, you are like an iron-ore which avoids the blast furnace, but only through the fire of the furnace does purification occur.
Refusal to respond to the impetus of growth leaves a great chasm in the soul of man, as nature abhors a vacuum, this chasm must be filled.

The 'Man-child' gets sucked into a form of idolatry, trapped in a loop of his own making, this phenomena can take various manifestations with alcoholism, drug abuse/addiction, pornography addiction, celebrity worship, general apathy and a divorce rate of monumental proportion.

The impetus of all growth is the identification of purpose, patience and tenacity in the pursuit of that purpose giving rise to fulfilled and meaningful life, but the illusory comfort of the present is addictive, devouring the urge for growth.
This is a prison of multiple dimensions that must be overcome, a your future needs you, not your past.

Growth is the acceptance responsibility, for transcendent responsibility is the major distinguishing factor between man and other creations, and whoever abdicates from his responsibility has forfeited his humanity. Real change comes from a change in your habits. And a change in habits comes from a long, sustained alteration of small actions. The goal of this is to get you to dig deep and really figure out what it is you want in life and then create a system to get you there.

Accountability is vital for growth and self development, often people make excuses and blame others, whether you contributed to something either by commission or ommision, taking responsibility for your life and decisions is the only way to escape the self imposed imprisonment and pathway to sustainable growth. 
Growth requires struggle, for without struggle, the world would lack meaning and our joys would feel empty. Be grateful for your struggles, because within them is the constant opportunity for purpose and growth.
Only through this will man find peace, fulfilment and meaning in an illusory world of shadows and avoid the prevalent sense of loss, despair and resentment prevalent in the zeitgeist.

The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.
     - Fyodor Dostoevsky 


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