Arewa: A call for revival.

A society is an aggregation of 'tendencies and contradictions' which coalesce to form a culture, a civilization on a grander scale. It is alive with a pull, a unique heartbeat of itself. A true humanistic society reinvigorates itself, notwithstanding its recurring ups and downs. It is not associated with cruelty, exploitation, and any other form of inhumane behavior. Nor is it to be imposed by force, intimidation, and threats, leaving trails of devastation in its wake.

Moreover, a society that has the upliftment of man as the central ethos should not have innocent blood on its hands. It should not be exclusive, exploitative, and discriminatory, belonging to a high-class club only. Rather, it is to be integrative and bountiful. The relationship between it and the people should be instinctive, organic, and reciprocal, instead of being ruptured, erratic and involuntary. 

Prosperity in a society is closely related to the truth, the latter being the cause and point of reference of the former. The potency of the truth is directly proportional to how prosperous society will be. The two should create a formidable framework within which all human initiatives and activities will be cast. The empowerment of truth in a society will be commensurate with the potency of the framework.

Arewa has historically gone through circles of rebirth, peak, and decline following the classical cycle of rising and fall. The worrying new 'normals' in her bosom, of acute poverty, terror, drug abuse, and a state of despair are unprecedented. These are crisis that not only threatens her in their appearance but also attacks the flame of her spirit entrenching overwhelming despair and fatalism. 

Statistics from the world bank show that 90 million Nigerians are living in poverty with an overwhelming majority (75%) domiciled in the northern region. 11 million children are out of school again, an overwhelming majority of 70% found in the north according to UNICEF. Figures for maternal mortality and girl-child early marriage are damning.

Such indices should alarm people of conscience and stakeholders. The reality in arewa is that the entrenched evil of feudalism has kept the majority in bondage in service of a few 'special class' who assumed a divinely ordained right to keep the majority in perpetual penury and servitude is threatening to turn arewa into an 'ouroboros', a mythical snake that consumes itself. 

The systematic disenfranchisement and embedded redundancy of the local government administrations has left a void that threatens to consume us all. It is the dysfunctionality of the local governments that has become our biggest national security threat and the cause of rampant and rampaging poverty and insecurity. Any serious effort that seeks a reversal of our condition must be tackled at the grassroots level. Empowering the local governments and putting sufficient checks and balances will breathe life to the long comatose and atrophied tier of government which is closest to the people, and thus, more efficient in measuring their pulse and addressing their immediate needs.

The traditional institutions can be much more than what the prevailing political zeitgeist reduced them to, as custodians of traditions, they serve as of authority and hope, their reach and informal authority unparalleled, they are uniquely placed to serve as vanguards of reformation and emancipation if fully appreciated and empowered.

The Ulemas (religious scholars) as the Hadith says 'are the legacies of the prophets'. This is a position of immense power but with corresponding responsibility. They are the conscience of the north and also act as moral and ethical compasses. Scholars like Sheikh (Prof) Ibrahim Maqary and Sheikh (Dr.) Ahmad Gumi have been vocal and proactive in highlighting how dire our condition and proffering solutions, sometimes at great personal cost. Ulemas are central to fighting extremism, ensuring peace and being ambassadors for unity and progress.

However, every cloud has a silver lining, the ascension of His royal highness, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi to the throne of the emir of kano brought much hope to northern progressives and intellectuals, knowing the absence of competent and passionate leadership, avoiding massive that he began to fill. His politically inspired and unjust removal disillusioned many, though, his elevation to the position of Khalifa of the influential tijjaniya brotherhood ironically, a position of farther reach, dynamism, and unencumbered by the burden of anachronic tradition, giving him the platform to catalyze change his natural predisposition favors.

We must however be wary of placing all our hope in men, not institutions, though there is no denying that strong men in the absence of efficient institutions serve as prime movers, bulwark's against total devastation, and inspire a generation.

It is not all doom and gloom amidst the chaos, bright spots are visible in this overwhelming darkness. I must salute the youth of Borno who through sheer will, courage and tenacity turned the tide against terror, their sacrifices against all odds are inspiring, thousands of men and women who willingly paid the supreme price for millions to live.

Thousands of students have benefitted from the kwankwasiya scholarship and various scholarship schemes in the north are doing great things around the world, improving the human capital of the north and the northern economy via remittances.

Governors and leaders like Prof. Babagana Zulum and Malam Nasir El-rufa'i are proving that leadership is not rocket science, and with a strong will, commitment, and competence, seemingly intractable situations are solvable.

Millions of honest and hardworking civil servants, farmers, traders, military, and policemen, you all reasons for hope, for despite the challenges, and temptations, you did not give in, but choose to be what you are, that is; hardworking, honest and committed, and no society can succeed without you.

Indeed, Arewa is salvageable and their is enough ground for optimism, but hope without corresponding effort is self deception.

The writer can be reached via;


Phone: +2347030758038


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