Isrāf is any useless action or any action which exceeds the natural limits, both in quantity & quality.
It also applies to emotions, ethics, culture, or social characteristics. Eg. Isrāf in emotions is hitting one's self while mourning, and so on.Isrāf with regards to finance is known as 'Tadhbīr' and Allah SWT refers to it as a behavior of the brothers of the Shaytān (Q17:27)
Isrāf with regards to eating is known as 'Ifrāt' and is described as 'evil and terrible' in Al Mu'jam.
In any case, isrāf breeds much evil.Stinginess is likewise discouraged in Islam (Q57:24). Islam is a religion of moderation. 'Moderation' is arguably conceptual, but it is dependent upon individual standards & societal norms. In sincerity, this is a quite easy scale to measure what counts as Isrāf and what does not.
Allah SWT, while lauding His true servants ('Ibādur-Rahmān) says: “And (they are) those, who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor niggardly, but hold a medium way between those extremes” (Q25:67).
Allah also says: "And thus have we have made you a just nation" (Q2:143)Ibn Kathir (r), under the Tafsir of this verse said: "Since Allah made this Ummah the best, He has endowed us with the most complete Shari'a (legislation), the best Manhaj (way) and the clearest Madhhab (methodology, mannerism)".Once a boundary is set by Allah, Muslims, whom are by definition, submissive to Him, do not cross it. Doing so deliberately amounts to sinning and whoever does the slightest good deed will see its repercussions and vice versa (Q99:7-8).
Besides, Isrāf has specific repercussions;-Physical Harm to the Body:
Isrāf with regards to eating causes great harm. According to scientists, overeating may lead to metabolic syndrome, heart disease, stroke, T2 diabetes & cancer.
Allah says: eat & drink, but do not waste; indeed He does not like the wasteful. (Q7:31)-The Wrath of Allah:
Allah does not like wastefulness (Q7:31). It is sufficient note that wastefulness breeds ignorance, pride & arrogance, amidst other harms.
Verily, whoever finds himself in the depths of these ill-feelings has truly experienced Allah's wrath, had he known.-Deprival of Godly Guidance:
Isrāf is misguidance caused by misguidance. Moderation is closer to guidance. Whoever has vision would know that all over-the-top spendings has no long-term benefit.
Allah says: "verily God does not guide the wasteful and the liars" (Q40:28).-Destruction
Isrāf has been a major cause for the destruction of past nations. Allah says: "Then We fulfilled Our promise to them, and We delivered them and whomever We wished, and We destroyed the profligates" (Q21:9)-Punishment in the Ākhirah
Allah also promises a punishment for the wasteful ones. He said: "and thus do We requite him who is a profligate and does not believe in the signs of his Lord. And the punishment of the Hereafter is severer and more lasting.' (Q20:127)-Reduced Baraka (Divine Blessings)
Allah is the Provider of all wealth. Wasting this provision removes the Baraka in it. Baraka is growth, increament, abundance and satisfaction.
An authentic narration by Imam Hakim says: "a man is deprived of Barakah due to his sins".-Wide-spread Poverty
Societies have limited access to resources which are usually controlled by few elites. Mismanagement of this wealth can lead to societal poverty. Sayyidna Ali is reported to have said "wastefulness annihilates societal fortune".-Social Tension and Stratification
When people waste resources for showoff or self pleasure, while ignoring the needy, hatred takes over love and anger masks mercy. The poor hate the rich and social vices may increase.HOW TO OVERCOME ISRĀF
1. Always say BismiLlah (in the name of Allah) before you commence any action.
I can't see how a person would say BismiLlah and burn ₦1,000 when there's millions of people who need it.Ps. May I remind you, sir, before burning Naira notes becomes a fashion, that tampering with or mutilating the Naira note is an offence, punishable by law (CBN Act Section 21). You can be traced and duly punished.2. Seek Allah's validation in everything you do. Follow Allah's laws without hesitation. They are ALWAYS perfect.
4. Before doing something, persistently ask "why" until your answer is Godly, else desist. Eg. "I want 36 boxes for lefe" ask yourself why.5. Be sincere in your dealings. Do not steal, deceive, lie or accept usury. Illegal money craves to be spent on Isrāf
6. Always think things through before acting. "What do I stand to gain at the end of this? Would this matter in 20 years time? In my grave? In the Hereafter?"7. Always be grateful to Allah. Saying & living by 'AlhamduliLlah' prevents Israf.
Know that societies have limited resources and that for every penny in your possession, someone else was deprived.
May Allah SWT save us from being wasteful. Amin
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