America and Israel; A Tale of Two Cultures By Najeeb Wali

America and Israel; A Tale of Two Cultures By Najeeb Wali

Many an analyst at times ask a billion dollar question; why does the USA irrationally support Israel? The question above has puzzled billions of minds from multiple generations, the irony is, the answer stares right in our Face. Israel and the US share a strikingly similar mentality and History.

The US strong belief in “Manifest destiny” strongly Mirrors the Israeli belief of them being the “chosen people” who is the bedrock of both cultures inherent racism and it, they find justification.
The US was founded on Native American Land via a policy of Systematic genocides, it was brutal, using every means at their disposal.
The Americas prior to the arrival of the settlers was a thriving civilization with cities as advanced as Europe and a Population exceeding Europe.
The settler, to justify their actions perpetuated the fallacy of going on a “civilizing” mission, calling the natives “Savages” and Brutes of the earth; some estimated the early American settlers were responsible for about a hundred million deaths.
Some generations down the line, the natives were reduced to living on “Reservations” on their ancestral land, like wild animals.
The US keeps the descendants of the natives from their ancestral home by building massive separation walls at borders in the south, ditto Israel, at the West Bank.
Theodor Herzl Father of Zionism went about saying Palestine was a desert without an indigenous population, thus the myth of Israel making “the desert bloom" was born. However, in reality, Palestine was a thriving commercial and cultural center with rich orchards and bustling cities.
Here is an example American and Israeli quote on their victims:
“…. Brutal Indian savages..”
Declaration of Independence.
“The Palestinians are beasts walking on two legs”
– Menahim Begin.
Alas a group who suffered persecution under Nazi Germany is ironically perpetuating same policies it suffered from.
In every facet, you’ll see a striking similarity between Israeli policy and American settlers policy and by extension, the treatment meted out/being meted out to the native Americans and Palestinians.
The oppressor claims oppression, the bully cites self defense, sad tale of two cultures.
It is the hope of every soul with humanity, they get justice.

The writer can be reached via;


Phone: +2347030758038


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