Grow up; Man-Child

'Every successful story is a tale of adaption, revision and change'. - Richard Branson The process of growth and evolution can be painful, but life is a journey of continuous growth or evolution, and whoever resists or refuses that impetus, like stagnant water becomes stagnant, and like stagnant water lose purity and clarity, accumulating filth and corruption. Just as the stagnant water becomes polluted and thus pollutes, so does the man who refuses to grow up, he becomes not only a dangerous to himself, but also to his community. You refuse to change yet assume things will change, you have increased in size, but that's all their is to your 'growth', however within lies an adolescent. You get married, or rather get married off, however being the perennial child you are, you fail to make the distinction between wife and mother, thus, projecting motherhood on your victim, and abdicating all expected leadership roles leaving her to pick up the slack, thi...