On Marriage and the imperative of polygamy
Marriage is an institution that merges hitherto two different individuals, male and female to form a whole. It is metaphysically a unification of differing tendencies, yet when merged, wholly complimentary to form a self sufficient and self sustaining system. It is the foundation of all self actualization individually, and collectively functional families, societies and on a grander scale, civilizations. Marriage is a covenant, transcendent and beyond the physical, for it joins not only two bodies together, but also minds and souls, thus a harmonious integration strived for with limitless possibilities for either progress and prosperity or chaos. Everything which is a source of unity is moral, everything that forces man to be considerate of others whilst forcing him to regulate his conduct through something other than his base ego is transcendent. Marriage far from serving to disengage the individual from his sorrounding, conversely makes him an integral part of a whole, thus, he ...