
Showing posts from September, 2020


 Isrāf is any useless action or any action which exceeds the natural limits, both in quantity & quality. It also applies to emotions, ethics, culture, or social characteristics. Eg. Isrāf in emotions is hitting one's self while mourning, and so on.Isrāf with regards to finance is known as 'Tadhbīr' and Allah SWT refers to it as a behavior of the brothers of the Shaytān (Q17:27) Isrāf with regards to eating is known as 'Ifrāt' and is described as 'evil and terrible' in Al Mu'jam. In any case, isrāf breeds much evil.Stinginess is likewise discouraged in Islam (Q57:24). Islam is a religion of moderation. 'Moderation' is arguably conceptual, but it is dependent upon individual standards & societal norms. In sincerity, this is a quite easy scale to measure what counts as Isrāf and what does not. Allah SWT, while lauding His true servants ('Ibādur-Rahmān) says: “And (they are) those, who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor niggard...