Is there any reward for good other than Good. (55:60)

Is there any reward for good other than Good. (55:60) In December 2016, a group of passionate Youth comprising both genders bothered about the decaying state of education in their locality decided to come together and contribute their quota regardless of how miniscule the impact will be. Or so they taught. Ably marshaled by the seasoned educationist in Mrs Sa'adah Aboubakar, they decided to use an Islamiyyah in Badarawa Kaduna as venue which they had to renovate. The decision to choose Badarawa was to make logistics easier for most of the enrolled students whom were from not so privileged backgrounds. The volunteers were of varying backgrounds, from Engineers to Architect to Chemist to Accountants, Computer scientist, Anatomist to Geographer, undergraduates and so on. It was decided to concentrate on basic reading and writing, phonetics and basic science as these are fundamentally the bedrock of basic education. The volunteers had differing reasons for volunteering, ...