Imagination and the Soul of the Individual and Society.
"Just as a mental form, such as a dogma or a doctrine, can be an adequate, albeit limited, reflection of a Divine Truth, so a sensible form can retrace a truth or a reality which transcends both the plane of sensible forms and the plane of thought." –Titus Burckhardt "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited whereas imagination embraces the entire world, simulating progress' -Albert Einstein. - It is in the very nature of Man to replicate and mirror his/her external world. As the cosmos is so finely tunes, man aims to achieve point of resonance between his internal and the exterior world, and thus, a Man, society or civilization at peace with itself, resonate and manifest that which is divinely turned. This is a phenomenon found across civilizations and religion. The rituals of Islamic practices are all connected to a divine presence either by the positions of the stars, circumambulation during pilgrimage like the movement of cele...